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EECS Instructional Account
2008-08-10 19:21:23 UTC
whats wrong with implementing an lru algorithm where the block just read
or write gets a lru.value = 0 (most recent accessed)and then I add 1 to
each OTHER VALID block's lru.value. Theoretically, two blocks should never
have the same value in between calls to accessMemory right? The reason I
ask is that Albert mentioned that we probably should change init_lru,
which zeroes out lru.value's
[Instr] Albert Chae
2008-08-10 20:39:17 UTC
Who said there was anything wrong with that... I just meant that you
should change init_lru depending on your representation of LRU.

whats wrong with implementing an lru algorithm where the block just read or
write gets a lru.value = 0 (most recent accessed)and then I add 1 to each
OTHER VALID block's lru.value. Theoretically, two blocks should never have
the same value in between calls to accessMemory right? The reason I ask is
that Albert mentioned that we probably should change init_lru, which zeroes
out lru.value's